No, no, and no some more. You cannot have any cruise blogs.
Not yet at least. They’re currently “in production” at the moment, but here,
enjoy a little anecdote from our adventures in Hyannis.
After a perilous drive home from Cohasset the night before,
we safely made it back to our hotel, where we would drive around aimlessly
before being able to find a parking spot. Our hotel was hopping! Hyannis is
really a beautiful place. I know that’s a slightly biased and skewed opinion
but I like to think even those impervious
to the music of Hyannis Sound would feel the same way. We woke up Sunday and Megan’s mom so
graciously offered to get us coffee. Dunk’s was right across the street and
Megan and I were thankful. We were not in a huge rush to get up and get moving
like we normally are. We had literally NO travel time in order to get to the
show that night.
Other than our usual crazy
banter and shenanigans this was a fairly relaxing and uneventful morning. Those
kinds of days are amazing. We finally decided to venture out and see what Cape
Cod had to offer us. We made our way to a local store called Cuffy’s. They sell
the coziest Cape Cod sweatshirts and they are a popular store when the tourists
come to visit. This day was no exception, it was jam-packed! We didn’t linger
any longer than we needed to in there. We got our goods and left ASAP with very
little harm done to the elderly and small children in the vicinity. After that
we were all in a silent agreement that our next stop was Mary Lou’s Coffee. We
are seriously addicted to that place. It’s amazing. If you ever happen to find
yourself on Cape, you need to go. This is not a suggestion, it’s a demand.
We made our way back to the
hotel and by this time it was totally normal for us to start getting ready. We
laughed and joked about how it would be so funny if we got ready quickly and
went to the Hyannis Sound show in Hyannisport (about a 5 minute drive away)
before going to the SNC show. We laughed it off figuring we would never have
time to make it there and back. Shortly after that happened, I happened upon a
tweet from Tyler that literally made me SO angry. Tyler and a few other members
of SNC had decided to go see the Hyannis Sound show. I couldn’t believe my eyes
and a wave of jealousy hit me instantly. I’m not sure what I was jealous about.
I think it was that somewhere on Cape, only mere minutes away, there was a
cornucopia of my favorite people and I wasn’t there. How could we have let this
happen! Megan had the same angry
feelings and her mom just laughed at us. The remainder of the time spent
getting ready was spent in a state of brute anger complete with huffed breath
and stomping feet.
We decided that we would walk
to the venue. I mean, it was only a 10 minute walk and after the car trouble
Megan had experienced the night before, it was kind of a no brainer. When we
got to the show, we went right in and found the rest of the chasers. We also
happened upon our mortal enemies but that’s a story for a different day. They
are not Straight No Chaser related and therefore have no place in this blog. I
will tell you that Megan and I were ready for some sort of west side story show
down to break out. Jenn and Tara found
this exchange to be quite funny. After
that, we went to go find our seats. To our surprise (well not really, it was a
circle), Megan and I were sitting almost directly across from Tara and Jenn,
which made it perfect for them to totally rag on us when we started
hyperventilating. Let me preface this by
saying, we had asked the guys of Hyannis Sound (gosh, I really hope Jerome
isn’t reading this) if they would be attending the show. The answer we had been
given was no. First they placed the blame on Tyler, Who then in turn placed the
blame on Kevin, who finally admitted that they weren’t sure because they had a
show that day. Just imagine our shock and excitement when several of them came
strolling in. The closer they got to us the more we panicked, and soon they
were seated directly in the row behind us chatting with some friends of theirs.
Fan girl moment? You could say so. There were waves of hellos to us before they
made their way to their seats. When we looked over at Jenn and Tara they were
literally just laughing at us.
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Interesting view |
The show started and I must
say it was amazing. It was quite possibly my favorite show to date. I’m sure
roars of applause could be heard all over Cape Cod. Many times I found myself
glancing over to the Hyannis Sound guys to see their reactions to certain things
(there are several songs that both groups sing) During intermission we ran into
some of them and I recall being told “Wow, those guys are something else,
huh!?” well we don’t gush over them for nothing! It seemed like a very long
intermission but even still when the lights flashed for us to come back in, we
weren’t prepared. This prompted us to go running, ok, a briskly jogging, back
to our seats. In the course of our epic race back to our seats, we almost
crashed right into Blake! Serious head on collision. I shouted “Blake! You
almost just ran us down!” and he responded with “Oh! I didn’t even see you
there” How is that even possible, we had more lights on us than the stage does.
We exchanged high-speed hugs and zipped along to our proper command posts. During
their intros, Ryan generously offered a shout out to us, saying it was great to
be performing “in our backyard”. Yeah that’s right, Megan and I own the Cape.
The show ended seemingly instantaneously (they’re never long enough) and the
crowd erupted into more cheering, applause, and then chanting for an encore.
The woman sitting in front of me so lovingly turned around and simply squealed
“Your screaming is driving me crazy!!” to which I abruptly laughed in her face.
So I’m a terrible person and I’ve come to terms with it.
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"It's a cream based souped" |
After the show we made our
way to the meet and greet line, where, once again, we were greeted by the guys
of Hyannis Sound (seriously, you’re smothering me!) We had a running joke this
summer with them and often times you could hear us saying “I know some guys.”
They always laughed because usually it was in reference to the guys of Hyannis
Sound. . While waiting in the line, one of them asked “So, what was that shout
out?” so I replied, “I wasn’t kidding when I said ‘I know some guys.’” After
the line started moving and we were inching our way ever closer the tables, we
could see someone making a beeline straight for Megan and myself. When the
shadowy figure got closer we realized that it was Blake and as he approached he
simply pointed and said “You! I need you two to do something for me” We were
instructed to be very sincere in approaching Ryan about how he had embarrassed
Blake in front of his friends and that he owed him an apology. We gladly took
on this mission (although, it was a seemingly mission impossible scenario.) We
have a hard time being serious around any of the guys but we like a good
challenge now and again.
At the start of the line,
there was a random director chair and it was not being used to it’s full
potential. As a result, when we approached it I tossed all my belongings onto
it, hoping they would be safe. Once at the tables, Tyler was first. He saw us
and exclaimed, “There they are!” This threw us off guard, as we were both
unaware we had been among the missing. He told us he felt like he was still
moving (from the rotating stage) and we claimed we did as well. Sometimes it
was hard to tell if it was them moving or us. He told us that next time the
audience had to rotate and the stage would stay still. We would make it like a
Disney ride. Walt then joined in the conversation and it became a very
elaborate scene, with the audience getting strapped into their seats. Next the
ushers would come around and check our seats while reminding us to keep our
hands and feet in at all times. We all got a good chuckle out of it.
Next up was Jerome, who
noticed one of my strands of lights had just died. He asked,
“Did the batteries just die? You need to check those before you leave!” Funny story. I had just changed the batteries in the hotel before the show. I demand a refund! Suddenly, Ryan chimed in (from the other side of Randy) telling me to “Check yourself before you wreck yourself!” Although, he soon admitted he’s not sure what that means or why he said it. When we got to Randy, he asked us “Is this your first show?” before immediately asking “Do you ever get sick of that joke?” as a matter of fact, no we don’t. We told him it would still be funny at our “second show” in Danbury in August. He also told us that soon he was expecting us to show up in full animatronics. That sounds expensive but I’m sure we could look into it.
“Did the batteries just die? You need to check those before you leave!” Funny story. I had just changed the batteries in the hotel before the show. I demand a refund! Suddenly, Ryan chimed in (from the other side of Randy) telling me to “Check yourself before you wreck yourself!” Although, he soon admitted he’s not sure what that means or why he said it. When we got to Randy, he asked us “Is this your first show?” before immediately asking “Do you ever get sick of that joke?” as a matter of fact, no we don’t. We told him it would still be funny at our “second show” in Danbury in August. He also told us that soon he was expecting us to show up in full animatronics. That sounds expensive but I’m sure we could look into it.
Finally we got to Ryan and it
was time to show off our acting skills. Before we could do that, he asked us
how are blogs are coming along. You are reading these three months after the
fact, which should be a pretty solid answer on how they’re going. He asked us
if the next time he would see us was the cruise, which would be a negative. We
had plans to make our way down to Danbury CT a few weeks later. Finally we
brought up Blake and how we “Couldn’t believe he would do that to Blake in
front of his friends!” We also told him that Blake was visibly upset and blah
blah blah. Apparently, he knew right off the bat we were lying because his only
response was “Blake doesn’t have feelings or friends” We were insulted by this
comment and said “What about us?!” He
did not feel as though we counted. Ryan informed us that he wasn’t sure
why he had called the Cape our backyard to which Seggie chimed in, “Yeah, I was
going to stay something about it on stage but I wasn’t sure.” His comment
naturally made us progress to where he was sitting. He commented on how we must
have pretty high paying jobs so I said, “Yeah, we bought the Cape, all on a
teacher’s salary.” We all got a good chuckle out of this ludicrous thought.
As we drifted down the line, we found ourselves in front of
Charlie. He just so casually mentioned, “Oh hey, we didn’t see you guys out
there.” I don’t know if we were both just not paying attention but we suddenly
snapped back with, “WHAT?!” Charlie’s only reply was laughter. Through his
laughter he was able to muster out “Wow, you both just got so mad.” I’m not
sure if it was anger or shock, either way we didn’t handle it well. During our
car ride, Megan had found a lingering T (for those of you unfamiliar, that’s
what we call our subway) ticket. They just so happen to be called “Charlie
Tickets.” We informed Charlie of this and showed him the ticket. He asked if he
could endorse it. Of course we let him. It gives the ticket a more authentic
feel. We started joking around that here in Boston, if you don’t know Charlie,
you can’t ride the T.
When we got to DR and Don, we were involved in a very
intense debate on how one would display a picture that had been signed on the
back instead of the front. We mentioned things like a glass frame that you can
see the front and back, which is completely logical I guess. I believe the best
idea we came up with was a wind chime. That way, the picture could spin in a very
scenic way and you could see both sides of the picture. I told them to be
careful because now they would be getting one (which I have yet to do but I
just might) If I recall correctly, I made Don laugh when I exclaimed, “Pinterest
here I come!” To be honest, I think I made myself laugh as well.
As we shifted down to Mike, who was the last person in line,
the topic of conversation suddenly changed to cooking food, getting “adult
beverages”, and having a cookout. I ‘m not sure how it went there but I’m pretty
positive it had something to do with Megan’s mom, cooking is her thing. We told
Mike that he was invited to the cookout we were having. The only catch was it
was going to be in our “backyard”, which we all know is pretty big now, and
that we weren’t going to tell them where. Apparently Mike is a super sleuth
because he promptly replied with “Oh, I’d find it!” and he was quite confident
in his words.
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Jazz hands |
When we left the tables, we made our way back to our chair
to gather our personal belongings and wait for group pictures. I tried to
convince Ryan that he should just hop over the table. He shot down my idea but
I still maintain it was a good one. When it was our turn for pictures, there
was a lot of chaos happening around us. I tried to follow all the directions I
was being given, but it’s very hard to make quick decisions when you have
someone telling you to look at the camera and smile and someone off to your
side (ahem, Ryan) telling you to do jazz hands in the picture. Still, even in
the hysteria, the picture came out great. (It’s currently the background on my
phone.) We discussed if the guys would have a chance to spend some time in
Hyannis and Ryan told us that they were in fact heading straight to Logan. Oh
yeah, and we were the crazy ones for driving from Cohasset to Hyannis. (She
exclaimed in a sarcastic tone) Clearly we thought this was an absurd decision
but I guess it made sense. We wished them all safe travels and sauntered back
to our hotel.
The next day, we checked out of our hotel and headed to
Falmouth where we would complete our double stuffed Oreo weekend by seeing
Hyannis Sound one more time. We had been there countless times this summer but
this was the first time we ever stopped (or got there early enough) to enjoy
what the town has to offer. We went to Wood’s Hole Oceanographic Institute, or
if you went to the college we did and studied Earth Science, WHOI, for short
(because we’re giant nerds and this is the stuff that makes us happy). We also
attempted a visit to the Cape Cod Winery but unfortunately they were closed on
Mondays. Then we made our way back to the center of town to enjoy one last bout
of sensational music. I’m a firm believer that you can never have too much a
cappella music in your life, but we’re scientists so we had to test our
hypothesis. It turns out, that’s absolutely true. After the show, we made the
long trek home. We were feeling elated by the times we had just spent with
friends, family (for Megan, at least), and friends we consider family but also
a little sorrowful that it had to end.
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