Wednesday started off like any other day, except I had
thoughts of Straight No Chaser on my mind. Oh wait…that happens every day. This
day was different though because I had Straight No Chaser to look forward to
that evening. It’s not very often that I get to look forward to an SNC concert
right after work, so inevitably I was super excited (or wicked stoked, if you
will). A little background on my job situation (in case you don’t know), I’m a
fifth and sixth grade part time Title I teacher in a middle school where I
support students who do not have disabilities but are struggling in the general
education classroom, occasionally I will substitute for teachers in the
afternoon, I work in an afterschool program in the evening, and do some
tutoring on the side (*phew* gotta pay for my SNC addiction somehow). Well
today I wouldn’t be subbing, working in the afterschool program, or tutoring. This left me at home by 11:30 AM trying to
distract myself until Amanda arrived. I spent this time watching videos of
Buddy Holly repeatedly and pacing around my house “ooo wee ooo-ing”. Thankfully
no one else was home, or they probably would have thought I had gone mentally
Finally, Amanda arrived and we left for Providence (after my
dogs nicely kissed and slobbered all over her of course). We made a pit stop
for coffee, but decided we weren’t hungry so we didn’t stop for food (that was
probably a bad decision). Providence is about 20-30 minutes from my house, so
naturally we arrived wicked early. There’s a good chance we would have been
there even sooner, but at some point I found myself sitting behind a limo on a
Providence street. After sitting there for about 5 minutes I exclaimed, “What
are we doing here? Am I parked?!” Yes, indeed. I had thought the limo had gone
into the turning lane…wrong! We were parked on the side of the road instead. I
pulled back onto the street and successfully made it into the parking garage by
The Dunk at 5:30 PM. The show wasn’t going to start until 7:30. We had some
time to kill.
We sat in my car and listened to my iPod. By 6 PM I could no
longer sit in my car and our coffee was hitting us hard. We went in search of a
restroom. We ended up in the Convention Center that is attached to The Dunk. We
wandered around aimlessly until we found the restroom (that had actually been
right in front of us when we walked in). As we exited the restroom we asked the
security guard if there was a way to get from the Convention Center to the
arena without going outside (we wanted to spend as little time in the rain as
possible). He simply stated, “Yes there is”. Thanks, dude, you’re super
helpful. Thankfully his security friend came over and told us that if we went
up one level we would find the walkway that led to the Dunkin Donuts Center.
That’s what we were looking for.
our view of the stage |
When we got over there, we still had awhile to wait before
they would allow us to take our seats. We had the desire to slip under the rope
barriers and run around the concourse. There would have been no way that the
security guards would have been able to catch us. We were hyped! Finally we
were let into the arena. We walked around the concourse a bit and checked out
the merch table. We were too excited to focus on anything so naturally we just
decided to make our way to our seats. Once there (they were front row on the
right, when facing the stage) we decided it was time to put all of our “props”
on. This is quite the process. It took us a good 10 minutes to untangle all of
our lights. It was quite a sight to see.
While the untangling continued, a woman came over to us and
asked us if we were Amanda and Megan. We gave each other a confused look and
skeptically answered “yes?” It was Donna! We had talked to her through the
website and knew that she lived not too far from Amanda. We met her daughter,
chatted for a bit, and gave them glow stick bracelets. We also knew Terry and
Tracy were somewhere in the venue. While we were trying to spot them, the woman
behind us told us she really liked our lights. Apparently they aren’t so glowy
from behind (good to know). We shared some glow stick bracelets with her as
well. She loved them and told us she was really excited for the show because
she doesn’t get to go out too often. We shared our excitement with her…we were
starting to get rowdy because it was only minutes before the show started (we
could tell from the playlist of preshow songs…which is really good by the way.
I wonder who came up with it…). Richard and some crew members came out around
this time to check a giant speaker that was looming over our heads. We joked
with the nice Scottish man sitting next to us, telling him we hoped it didn’t
fall. He assured us that it would get him first and we would be fine.
Then it was finally show time! The lights went down, our
lights lit up, and the guys came out on stage singing Get Ready. The guys
spotted us and we got a few waves and smiles. I seriously love these guys. The
show was unsurprisingly amazing. At one point, Ryan was introducing a song and
he informed the crowd that he grew up in Middleton, RI. He then told the crowd
his BEAH story (which we had heard personally twice before then). It still made
us laugh hysterically! Go BEAHS!
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Signs with lights turned off |
Then it was time for the guys to perform Buddy Holly!
Naturally Amanda and I FREAKED out! We not only had our Buddy Holly glasses for
this performance, but we also had made signs! (Ryan had asked for props…we
brought props!) These weren’t just normal signs. Oh no…they were signs that lit
up! Amanda’s sign said “We LOVE Buddy Holly” and had Buddy Holly glasses drawn
on it. Mine also had glasses and said “OOO WEE OOO”. The lights went down for
the song to begin, and the area where we were sitting started to glow brighter.
We were ready! When the guys turned around, they spotted us adorned in our
Buddy Holly glasses and holding our glowing signs. Ryan, DR, and Walt all
pointed to the signs at points during the song. Seggie made a point to look at
the signs while doing choreo with his glasses. We also noticed when Tyler saw
the signs. They seemed to distract him and he missed a small piece of his
choreo. He recovered nicely, however. “Normal” people probably didn’t even
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Signs lit up! |
The general reaction from all of the guys when seeing our
signs up close was pure amazement. Randy said, “Wow! These are awesome!” He
then asked where he should sign. We told him he could sign where ever he
wanted…logically he chose to sign inside the glasses. Charlie hadn’t been able
to see the signs from his side the stage, so this was the first time he was
seeing them. He was impressed and asked us who made them. We told him that we
each made one, and he seemed surprised because they looked so similar. We let
out our secret of tracing the Buddy Holly glasses we wore, and he stated that
our mystique was now gone. Sorry, Charlie. Charlie then turned to Seggie and
said “Did you see these?!” Seggie replied with “I made them.” You wish, Seggie.
When Seggie took our signs to sign them they wouldn’t lie flat on the table
(because of all of the wires on the back). The other guys had just held them
while signing them. Seggie refused to sign it because it wouldn’t lay flat. He
begrudgingly did so, however, before passing them down to Jerome who told us
that they were awesome and thanked us for coming.
Mike and Ryan were both amazed like the other guys. They both
asked us if we wanted them to sign both of the signs or just one (of course we
wanted both of them signed). Mike asked us if we made the signs because we loved Walt or if we just because we like the song. We told him it was because we love the song (although we both do love Walt). Ryan then asked me if the Rhode Island shows last
fall were our first SNC concerts. When I told him it was actually their
Northampton show (in April of 2010) he seemed surprised. He turned to Mike and
asked him if he remembered Northampton. Mike seemed confused. He hadn’t been a
part of the conversation and wasn’t quite sure why Ryan was asking him this.
Around the time we were at Ryan a woman just ahead of us
realized she hadn’t had her ticket signed (or maybe one of the guys missed it)
and Walt sent it back up the meet and greet line. The guys in our vicinity
shouted, “Salmon ticket!” as they passed it down the line. I appreciate the
dig, guys.
DR made sure to tell us that we don’t make it hard to see us
(again) and how he thought the posters were cool. Tyler asked us if we were
coming to the show Friday. This was the show in Boston, so of course we would
be there. I also made sure to warn Tyler that my parents would also be attending
that show. He asked if that was a bad thing. I told him no, but admitted that I
was nervous about letting these two worlds collide (this would be my parents
first SNC concert, and up until this point there had been some judging when it
came to my chaser lifestyle). We then moved over to Don and Walt who were at the
end of the table. Don asked, “Are we going to see you tomorrow or Friday?”
Before we could answer Walt interjected by saying, “Or will we never see you
again.” Amanda took her opening and stated, “That’s right, we’re never coming
to another show.” Walt replied, “We’ll it was nice meeting you ladies.” (I’m
sure we’ll be seeing you guys sometime…we had literally decided hours before
that we would be attending the Manchester show the next night. We thought it
would be fun to show up without the guys knowing we would be there…you’ll find
out how that went down soon.)
We exited the meet and greet line and realized, with the
posters being such a huge distraction, most of our questions went unanswered.
We jokingly tried to get back in line but the security guards told us no. We
did ask Richard if the guys would stick around for a group picture (which he
said yes to, of course) and if they would be coming back to New England in the
future. He unfortunately didn’t have an answer to this question for us.
Shortly after it was time for group pictures. Due to the
small amount of people waiting for picture (actually only me, Amanda, Terry,
and Tracy) we were the first picture to be taken with the guys. The only way to
describe how I was feeling at that moment is frazzled…I was not prepared to go
first. After composing myself, we approached the guys who kindly serenaded us
with “OOO WEE OOO’s”. They were happy to see that the signs would be joining us
for the picture. As usual there were a lot of comments made in a Boston accent
during the picture. Someone behind me (I think it was Seggie…) even began
singing Joy to the World in a Boston accent (I'd throw away the cahs and the bahs and the wahs). Ryan said
he was “going down to West Warwick” (in an accent of course) and this made
Amanda and I laugh…not really sure why that was so funny, but it was. As we
were leaving the group to gather our things and so that Terry and Tracy could
take their pictures, Ryan told us that we always one up ourselves every time we
see them (referring to the signs) and that he was excited to see what we do
next (no pressure or anything, Ryan). Seggie said, “Next time they’re going to
bring Weezer with them.” Amanda and I entertained them by pretending to call up
Weezer on our pretend phones. Glad we could make you guys laugh.
As the
guys finished with pictures and left the venue we heard a chorus of “ooo wee
ooo’s”. It was so funny to hear, and I can honestly say I breathed a sigh of
relief knowing that I wasn’t the only one who did that. We left the venue happy
and excited for more adventures the very next day!
Great blog - especially enjoyed reading it since I hung out in line with you ladies and got to relive some of the memories
ReplyDeleteYou two Chasers really DO stand out (in a wonderful way) and can't wait to see what you do at the next show we all attend together (no pressure from ME or Ryan)
Amanda & Megan - thanks so much for blogging and sharing your love for SNC with all of us - and it was so much fun getting to know you in Providence
Happy Holidays
Stacey (Fab4tune) from CT
Thanks, Stacey! It was great meeting and chatting with you! I look forward to our adventures bringing us back together again...whenever that may be.