The only way I can accurately describe the second night of the
ChaserCon weekend is by saying that it was overwhelmingly incredible. It was
one of the most anticipated evenings of the summer for so many people, and it
definitely didn’t disappoint. Where shall I begin? Where Saturday left off,
Amanda and I had left Harrah’s right after the meet and greet the
previous night because I had been having issues with my car alarm, and we
wanted to make sure we could get back to our hotel without being trapped at
Harrah’s too late into the night (not trapped by Chasers, but the fact that my
car wouldn’t function properly). Thankfully I determined that the battery in my
car alarm’s remote was dying causing the problem I was encountering. With some
prodding, I was able to make it perform properly so that we could leave
Harrah’s parking garage and head back to the hotel. Unfortunately, by this time
in the evening there were no stores open so I could not remedy the situation
right then and there. I crossed my fingers and hoped that the remote would work
in the morning. That way I could find a new battery and be worry free for the
final show.
Luckily all of my bad luck was used up the day before, and my battery
functioned with minimal prodding when we woke up. We ventured into Absecon to
see if we could find a new battery. I couldn’t risk it not working that
night…nothing could ruin this night for us (especially something as little as a
12v battery)! We tried to blend in with the locals as we entered, what is
arguably, the scariest mall I have ever seen, and found the Radio Shack that my
GPS had promised me would be there. We successfully replaced the battery in my
remote and left that scary mall as quickly as possible. On the way back to the
hotel, my GPS took us a different route then we used to arrive at the mall.
This route passed at least two other freestanding, normal Radio Shacks…still
not quite sure why she didn’t bring us to one of those in the first place. My
GPS is crazy.
When we got back to the hotel, thankfully without being murdered, we
began getting ready for the evening’s festivities. Keep in mind that our
morning adventures really didn’t take us too long and it was probably about 1
pm when we began getting ready for the evening. This left us sitting in our
hotel room around 2 pm all dressed up with nothing to do. I was ready to head
straight over to Harrah’s, but Amanda told me no. She conveniently waited to
put on her makeup so that I couldn’t convince her to leave right then and
there. I decided to flip on the TV (I needed something to distract me for a
little while), and was surprised to find that the Red Sox game was on. This
actually was a true surprise seeing as we were in New Jersey. We watched the
game for a while, but quickly became annoyed by the TBS announcers (who seem to
hate the Red Sox and love whatever team they are playing against…in this case,
it was the Texas Rangers). The Red Sox were being massacred by the Rangers, and
the score was 9-0 in the 5th inning when Amanda could no longer bear to watch
anymore. She quickly finished getting ready, and we headed over to Harrah’s a
little bit earlier than planned.
Once we arrived at Harrah’s we headed over to the Eden Lounge for a
drink (where the bartender once again told us he didn’t like us because of our
MA licenses…he was a Yankees fan). We then meandered through the casino. We
decided to hang out in the food court. We determined it to be a great location
to people watch. It had a great view of the happenings of the casino, we could
be on the lookout for UK Chaser Valerie (who we promised we would meet up with,
but had no way of contacting), and was close to Reflections (where we would be
meeting some fellow Chasers for dinner). As we approached the food court, we
saw Jillian, Denise, Latricia, and SJ. They were planning some shenanigans for
that night’s show…and we told them we were more than willing to partake…we love
shenanigans after all. We took this opportunity to lei our fellow chasers (we
brought 25 rainbow colored leis with us that we decided Chasers had to wear in
the spirit of the final show), and then they went off to finalize their
shenanigans. We perched ourselves on some nice stools in the food court…I on my
big stool, and Amanda on her little stool (she could barely see over the
counter…she claims it was a nice resting spot for her head). We watched the
hoards of Jersey Shore wannabes (they had crawled out of the woodwork because
PaulyD would be gracing The Pool with his presence that evening) and the many
Chasers who had come out in full force to support Straight No Chaser for their
final show of the summer. It was like two worlds had collided and we were mere
spectators watching the events reveal themselves.
As Chasers spotted us in our lookout spot, we had some nice
conversations and continued lei’ing Chasers. The time flew by, and soon it was
time for us to meet everyone at Reflections for dinner. When we all found a
place around the giant table, it was determined that there were 21 Chasers enjoying
dinner together (had Thanksgiving come early?). This undoubtedly resulted in
many shenanigans and inappropriate behaviors (especially from me and Amanda). Amanda
was out of control (however, it wasn’t unlike how we normally act…this time we
were just in a social situation) and it was determined that I am her minion.
Everyone seemed surprised by the way Amanda was telling me what to do and her
(empty) threats, but I didn’t bat an eyelash. We have a unique relationship. As
the evening progressed, Amanda and I decided it was a perfect time to start
spreading rumors about the guys of Straight No Chaser. I won’t divulge what
rumors we were spreading that night, just in case they have been leaked. We
wouldn’t want any of the rumors being linked back to us, after all. (Whispers
secretively: Seggie loves purple, and Tyler loves a cappella more than his mom.
When dinner finally finished it was time to make our final trip of the
summer over to The Concert Venue. We were so excited for the events to come
that we didn’t have time to get upset about this. Nothing could bring us down.
This night was destined to be incredible. When we entered the Concert Venue we
noticed that many of the Chasers had started to gather near the stage…and
Valerie was there!!!! There were conversations between Chasers all around the
Venue, shenanigans were being finalized, and pictures were being taken. It was
like a HUGE family reunion!
When the screen descended onto the stage and the lights dimmed, all of
the Chasers bustled to their seats and the excitement rose in the theater. The
venue was aglow with happy Chasers and their glowing apparel (loved it!)…it was
obvious that we were definitely going to be a rowdy crowd! When the guys began singing “The Boys are
Back” I noticed Randy point out the Chasers in the front to Charlie (who he was
singing next to). You could tell all of the guys were taking in the enormity of
the crowd (there were SO MANY CHASERS!), and they didn’t hold anything back
while performing. This included when they conducted their own shenanigans on
stage. Some shenanigans incorporated into their performances were when Charlie
and Jerome brought Seggie a drink adorned with fruit from the Tune Week Edible
Arrangement, Ryan and Don wearing 80s wigs under their fedoras, Charlie handing
Tara honeydew melon, more fruit on a stick being given away (specifically an
orange) to Robin during her serenade of Uptown Girl, and more ragging on Don
for his mustache (which he wisely removed prior to this show). The guys pulled
out all the stops (as usual) and it was apparent that they were having a blast
on stage.
The audience was no different. We too were also having a blast during
the show, and as mentioned before we also had a few shenanigans up our sleeves.
Many of the Chasers had made signs for their final show (Kary, Tara, Marna, and
Cindy had some pretty funny ones that got called out during the show). Amanda
and I had also made signs for this show. We don’t usually do this, but we had
seats in the front row and Hurricane Irene had left us with some spare time to
get crafty. Can you say poster making party? The signs weren’t so much
shenanigans as they were more of a way to just show the guys how much we
appreciate all of their sacrifices. We used black poster board, neon poster
paint, glow-in-the-dark paint, and LOTS of neon glitter (this glitter seriously
blew my mind…I love it!). We made a sign for each of the guys and one sign just
for SNC in general (so 11 signs total). They said “We *heart* (member of SNC)”…except
we used our literary talents and added a descriptive adjective that we felt best
described the member but also started with the same letter as his first name.
Who doesn’t love a little alliteration, after all? We then added a personal
touch of a flower from a lei we dismantled (which we also added glowing paint
and glitter too…duh!). We felt like this was sort of like our signature on the
posters, seeing as our leis had become so recognizable this summer.
During the show our signs became cumbersome (due to the amount) and we
had such terrible seats that they guys couldn’t see them anyway (hahaha our
seats were actually amazing…front row, center section, on the aisle…but we had
a pesky monitor in front of us that made the signs hard to see). Part way
through the concert I abandoned the signs (which had successfully covered me in
glitter), but I have to say they still made me happy every time I saw them
glowing when the lights went down.
So if you have been following me so far, you should recall that other
Chaser shenanigans had been in the works throughout the evening. First off the
shear rowdiness of the crowd was incredible in general. We couldn’t control our
yells and woohooing (naturally). In addition, Chasers had organized beach ball
fun during the 50s medley (I mean, come on, we were down on the boardwalk after
all). Amanda and I agreed to wield a
bubble gun (which lit up!) during the Beatles/Stones medley. We had strict
instructions to not shoot the bubbles toward the stage in case they made the
stage slippery. This forced us to shoot the bubbles behind us, which naturally
shot bubble directly into the faces of the Chasers sitting behind us. Sorry,
Vicky and Marilou! I don’t remember much during this medley due to the sheer
fact that I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe. Amanda remembers Mike
giving her an odd look while he was singing…he was unsure why we were shooting
people with bubbles…and many of the other guys laughed at our bubbly antics. Bubbles
are seriously awesome…I’m thinking about purchasing my own bubble gun just so I
can have bubbles wherever I go!
The show ended like normal and the theater was abuzz with excitement.
The show had been incredible and all of the Chasers were talking about little
moments they had enjoyed. As we lingered in the theater, we noticed that glow
sticks were being thrown across the stage by, we assume, the stage crew (the
shenanigans just never end)! I had to resist the urge to climb up on stage and
play with all of the glowing glow sticks. We reluctantly (okay, maybe not so
reluctantly) made our way out of the concert venue. Like I said before, there
was a LARGE group of Chasers. Combine us with the many people who had seen SNC
for the first time, and that makes for an enormous group of people waiting
outside the Concert Venue. You could tell that the ushers were nervous about
coordinating everyone to make the meet and greet go smoothly while ensuring
that paths were still clear for the other casino visitors. They did a great job
in organizing us and also facilitating everything so that we could have a group
picture with the ENTIRE group of Chasers and the guys.
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Amanda shooting bubbles! (Thanks, Dottie!) |
To start off the meet and greet experience Amanda was still wielding
the bubble gun Jillian had let us use during the show. It was sort of like we
were announcing to the guys that the Chasers had arrived with the arrival of
bubbles (because of course we act like 5 year olds and had to shoot bubbles
from the gun during the meet and greet). Mike gave Amanda a funny look when
sighting the bubbles and Jerome instinctively covered his drink (we wouldn’t
want it to taste soapy, now would we?).
Mike then thanked us for his birthday card (multiple times…he was very
appreciative) that we had given him the night before. We of course told him it
was our pleasure and then got down to business (this had to be quick,
remember?) We sent our ChaserCon badges down the table to be signed and then
began to hand out the leis and posters.
As Amanda handed Jerome his neon orange lei, he genuinely asked “how
am I supposed to sign this?” Amanda and I both laughed (that was seriously such
a great reaction, Jerome) and told him that he wasn’t supposed to sign it, it
was for him. He then examined his poster and thanked us again for everything.
The leis (obviously) also led to a lot of inappropriate comments from
the guys. Seggie made a comment to Amanda about being lei’d, and DR turned to
Tyler and said “You just got lei’d by a Chaser”. Many of the other guys made similar comments
about the leis…I mean come one, who would let this opportunity pass them
by?...but they seemed to really like them, and like I said before, they looked
fantastic on them! Amanda also had a funny moment with Charlie after she handed
him his lei. He decided he wanted to use the bubble gun, but couldn’t get it to
work (it was a little finicky and he was trying to shoot the bubbles while
pointing it straight up…it doesn’t like that). Amanda took it back from him and
shot some bubbles. Charlie yelled “HOW DID YOU DO THAT!?” She’s just that good,
Charlie…you must not realize her awesomeness yet. Walt insisted that Amanda put
the lei on him, and in doing so she accidently hit him on the head…okay,
lightly tapped…with the bubble gun (Sorry, Walt…I bet you didn’t realize bubble
guns were an occupational hazard). Don and Ryan also had some fun playing with
the bubble gun, shooting bubbles down the meet and greet table toward Charlie. The
bubble gun was a little leaky, so Don casually wiped his sticky hand on the
table cloth, even though Amanda had kindly offered him a tissue. That works
too, Don.
Megan: We
made sure to add a purple kitten to your poster.
Tyler: Why a
purple kitten?
Megan (seriously): Why not?
(Tyler and Seggie seemed to like
this response and laughed… I know…I’m so funny. I moved on without actually
telling him why it was there, so for clarification the purple kitten was added
because of the paper airplane we had at our first Hyannis Sound concert that
seemed to state “Trepp sends purple kittens.” We were just returning the favor
and sending them back to Tyler…aren’t we nice?)
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Dottie caught me talking to Randy...and Don getting lei'd |
Charlie told me that he tried to read his sign during the show, but he
didn’t want to stare over at it for too long. (You could have stared as long as
you wanted, Charlie. We don’t mind.) Randy then got excited when he read his
Randy: I’m
Charlie: No,
you’re not. That says radio.
Megan: No,
you are definitely radiant, Randy.
When I
handed Walt his sign, he asked me if I wanted him to sign it or if it was for
him. I told him it was for him, and he said, “Nice! Wicked awesome Walt”
(reading his sign in a Boston accent). Don and Ryan took this opportunity to
say some key phrases in Boston accents as well (I love when they do that). Ryan
even read his sign in a Boston accent (which said Rockin’ Ryan) which is an
accomplishment in and of itself. I don’t think I can even do that…he must be
studying. Ryan then asked us to sign his sign because he signs all of our
things. When we tried to just sign our first names, he insisted that we add our
last names…that’s how they do it after all.
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Richard: I love being bubbly! |
We then moved away from the meet and greet table to where Richard was
standing. Amanda was still playing with the bubble gun and Richard took the
opportunity to play with the bubbles too. He waved his arms in them and said,
“I love being bubbly!” After that little bit of bubble fun, we went to wait on
the ramp with the other Chasers who were gathering for the group picture. I
took this time to take some pictures of Chasers going through the meet and
greet and chat with Chasers as they joined us on the ramp.
We then moved our festivities over to McCormick’s where Chasers took
over the entire bar area. It still seriously surprises me how many of us there
were! As we were mingling, Walt came into the bar carrying what looked like a
Mickey Mouse bag full of goods. It didn’t take long for all of the Chasers to
notice and we let him know by cheering for him…quite loudly. At first he shook
his head and then gestured for us to cheer more. He then looked around the bar
and endearingly asked if any of us had seen his mom. None of us had, so he
continued his search in the casino (I assume).
Seggie, Tyler, Jerome, Don and Mike wandered into the bar not long
after Walt left. A few Chasers roamed over and greeted the guys, but for the
most part we left them alone as they mingled with family, friends, and Harrah’s
staff. As the night progressed, the Chasers began to move about the bar more as
we socialized. A few of the guys also began to mingle with us as well. While
Amanda and I were talking to Valerie, Mike came over to thank her for the scarf
she had given him for his birthday. He was so sweet! He was genuinely excited
about the gift. Amanda and I felt privileged to be able to witness such a
personal moment between the two of them. While Mike was talking with Valerie,
Jerome came over. He started talking to us about how he loved the ChaserCon
buttons (pointing to the one I was wearing). He then asked us how he could get
a button made…he was convinced that this was our thing (even though we told him
no). We told him we thought Kary made them on the computer. He told us he was
bad with technology, and he does everything on his iPhone. He then began
talking to Jillian. This left Amanda and I sandwiched between Mike and Jerome.
We didn’t really know what to do with ourselves (at one point I think I was
literally touching Jerome and Mike at the same time), so we awkwardly stared at
each other for a moment then started our own conversation as if nothing was out
of the ordinary. I may have been having an out of body experience. It was
seriously amazing and so weird all at the same time.
During this time we also noticed that Randy had snuck into the bar
through the back door. He surveyed the scene. I wasn’t sure if he was going to
walk right back out or stay and socialize. He analyzed the situation and
decided to stick around. He joined a group of Chasers at one point who were all
intently listening and laughing at what he said. As an onlooker, it looked like
he was telling jokes to his adoring fans.
There came a point in the evening when Amanda and I got antsy and
began meandering about the bar. Tyler saw us and concernedly asked us if we
were leaving. We told him no, that we just felt like we were in everyone’s way
and were moving around. He laughed and told us, “Well you can’t stand there
then.” We were standing right where the waitresses would access the bar. He
told us to move closer to him, so we obliged. He said that that standing spot
was much better (and I have to agree with him). He asked us how things had been
going and if we had attended the final Hyannis Sound show. We told him we did,
but he didn’t quite prepare us for how sad it was going to be. He then yelled,
“I TOLD YOU IT WOULD BE SAD!” Tyler, you are correct, you did, however I don’t
think anything he told us would have truly prepared us for how emotional the
final show would really be. We told Tyler we brought tissues to the show and
that we still get quite emotional when we listen to some of their songs
(especially Little Lion Man…we’re going to miss you, Joe!). He told us that
during his last final show with Hyannis Sound he had to talk about his good
friend, Andy. He said he could only get out about two words and then they had
to move on…he just couldn’t do it. He asked us if they managed to get through
the final song. We told them they did…sort of. He laughed and then asked if it
sounded like this…he then proceeded to pretend to sing while crying and
emotional. It didn’t quite sound like that, but you were pretty close, Tyler.
Our conversation then shifted away from Hyannis Sound. He asked us where we
lived in Massachusetts, we talked about how excited we were for fall even
though that meant summer was over (he was excited for football to start, we
were excited for pumpkin beer…I love our priorities), and how he had learned
his lesson about flying home too early in the morning (his flight home the next
day would be in the afternoon). It was really cool to hang out with Tyler and
have “normal” conversation. Thanks, Tyler!
(Here's the video of the final song of the final Hyannis Sound show of the summer...I think they held it together pretty well! Amendment: Amanda reminded me that Tyler was probably talking about the Irish Parting Blessing...which is ALWAYS their last song. There's no video of that from the final show, but it was definitely very emotional. This video will give you a good idea of how sad the evening really was.)
Soon we decided that we should probably head back to our hotel and get
some rest. We had a long drive home the following day. Valerie was talking with
Randy, so we wandered over there. We wanted to make sure we said goodbye and
wished her safe travels home to the UK. It ended up being quite an emotional
goodbye…we were all a little overwhelmed by the events that happened that
night, and the realization that it was coming to an end hit very quickly. We’re
looking forward to seeing Valerie again when she comes to New England this
Amanda, Valerie, and Megan |
Randy then snuck up behind us and thanked us for all our support. He
then hugged Amanda and I at the same time (other Chasers claimed it was very
cute). It was the squeeziest hug ever, and it makes me smile every time I think
about it! Thanks, Randy! He then told us he loved the PBS blog, and he was
looking forward to the blogs about this weekend’s adventures. I told him it was
going to be good (I hope we didn’t disappoint, Randy). We then went to say
goodbye to Tara and Marna. It got a little emotional for a minute when Marna
asked us when we would see them again…and we didn’t have an answer (that’s not
okay)! That quickly dissipated, however, when Tara informed us that we weren’t
leaving. It was Ben and Jerry time! Randy kindly serenade us with his rendition
of “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream” as we left the bar.
At Ben and Jerry’s we continued talking about the night’s events and
what shows we would be attending on the fall tour. We had a nice view of the
Pool and everyone who had come out to see PaulyD. It was a nice way to unwind
before heading back to the hotel. We said our goodbyes to our great Chaser
friends and found our way back to the hotel. We collapsed in our beds fairly
quickly…this night had been exhausting. The following day we left for home,
leaving the joys of summer behind us.
This summer has been truly exceptional. When the summer began (after
the Gettysburg show), we had attended seven Straight No Chaser concerts. Over
the course of the summer we were able to increase that number to fourteen. With
a little math computation, it becomes clear that we saw the same number of
shows in the months of July, August, and September as we did from April
2010-June 2011. We couldn’t be more grateful for the Straight No Chaser for
bringing such great friendships into our lives, not only with the amazing
Chasers that we have had the privilege of getting to know, but also with the
guys themselves. I’m not sure when it happened exactly, but we definitely made
a transition from just being fans to being true friends. I can’t wait to
reunite in November. It is going to be a difficult wait, but the adventures will
begin again soon enough. Let the countdown begin!
Another terrific blog. Really brings back the memories and I still have my lei! thanks for taking the time to put this out.
ReplyDeleteSo... When am I going to see you girls again, huh? :) It was nice to see you again, and thanks again for the card! ~Marna
ReplyDeleteGREAT blog and good times at Chaser Con 2011. You guys are so sweet and it was great meeting you. Looking forward to reading more of your SNC adventures. Keep Smiling! Marilou
ReplyDeleteAgain, I love reading your accounts of your adventures. It is so fun reading about the things that you (meaning me) miss because your (me again) attention (my ADD) takes you somewhere else. I am at saddened that somehow, I think I may or maynot (fuzzy memory recall) have missed out on saying good bye and have safe travels to the both of you.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to do it all again!!