It just seems fitting that as I sit here
writing and reminiscing about my time in Atlantic City, OneRepublic is telling me that “This has gotta be the
good life.” I’m going to have to agree with that statement.
We got ourselves ready for what had now
become our morning routine of waking up at about 10:00 and heading out for
coffee from Dunkin Donuts. We were feeling much better this morning, without
that “chase over” we had been feeling the day before. This time the walk to
Dunky’s did not feel like forever nor did we get harassed for being from
Boston, finally a day where the morning occurred without incident! When we got
back we both had the very strategic plan of drinking our coffee’s before we
showered and got ready (you know so we wouldn’t be ready super early) but
instead we both just sucked down our coffee’s super fast and took off getting
ready. When we were both ready we were able to hold off the urge to immediately
leave for Harrah’s. We kept busy by going through the left over postcards and
then watching the videos I had taken from the previous shows.
finally decided to head over to Harrah’s, We had spotted those fancy glasses
from the SNC website in the gift shop at Harrah’s and we wanted to check them
out, plus we also needed to buy the photos from the merchandise table. We got
to Harrah’s and immediately went over to the gift shop. We poked around in there for a bit and
went to some of the other shops. After that we decided to go exploring. Having
gotten lost in the basement of Harrah’s once before, we were very cautious
about where we explored. We knew
that we were having a chaser meet up at the food court by the pool, and even
though we were pretty sure we knew where that was, we decided to wander over,
just in case. As we were walking we saw Mike heading towards the elevator and a
swift change in direction occurred. As we wandered around a bit longer we ended
up going out to the boardwalk near the concert venue.
We did all the touristy
things while standing out there: taking photos, dodging bird poop, and
eavesdropping on other casino goers phone conversations.
we were all standing outside, we saw Walt walk by us. He gave us a little smile
and continued on his way, I’m not going to lie, I’m surprised he didn’t break
into a brisk jog after seeing us and run for safety. There was A LOT of us
standing there. Victoria and co. did not stay with us to eat dinner. So in
total there were 8 of us at the food court and 3 of us put our heads together
to try and find an arrangement of tables that would accommodate all of us. It
didn’t take very long. The three of us working hard were all teachers. It’s
pretty much in our blood to solving seating arrangement debacles.
we finished eating we decided to head over closer to the concert venue. Doors
weren’t open yet but there was still adventure to be had. Some chasers took a
detour to use the restrooms while others trekked onward. Megan and I somehow
separated from the rest of the group (only by a few steps really, Megan was in
heels.) People from Boston always walk with a sense of urgency and we’re always
in a constant state of rushing; we pretty much end up ahead of the group no
matter where we are. We saw a familiar face round the corner in front of us. It
was Jerome. He kind of tilted his sunglasses down, looked at us, and gave a
little wave. We didn’t do anything except wave back. It was a nice moment, but
inside I was freaking out a bit. Terry witnessed the interaction and when we
were joined with the group again told us that moment had been “SO CUTE!”
we got over to the concert venue, we decided to go into the Eden Lounge.
(That’s the place that usually has the ear piercing noise, that they call
music, coming from inside after the show) Megan and I took a quick detour to
buy our pictures to get signed from the merchandise table. We’d been attempting
to do this all afternoon. SUCCESS! Feeling victorious, we walked into the Eden
Lounge and ordered our drinks (obviously getting carded, because we’re always
told we look super young. Incase you’re wondering Megan’s 24 and I will be 24
in September) After getting our drinks we returned to where the group of
chasers were, not soon after that we welcomed Latricia to our group. I’m not
sure when it happened but we also acquired a new chaser. The box office people
sent him along with Tara. His name was Alex and we were happy to welcome him
into our group, he was there seeing SNC for the first time by himself.
we finally went into the concert venue to find our seats, our seat neighbors
were already there. There was a group of them but they were split up so some
were behind us and one was next to me. I had some fun conversation with him.
When he looked at my dress he said “Oh I’m so glad you’re dressed up too! I
wore my best suit tonight.” When I looked over he had a T-shirt on that looked
like a tux. Being one SUPER strong rum and coke in, I found it to be
hysterical. Soon after Megan left to go to the restroom, and he asked me if he
could steal her aisle seat. I told him that he could try but Megan would
probably fight him for it, I also added “She’s pretty tough”. Perhaps an
exaggeration but he didn’t know that.
When Megan came back I told her that he was planning on stealing her
seat and her EXACT response was “I would have fought him for it.” Go ahead,
take a minute to laugh at that. I did.
After this I made sure to pass out the remaining glow sticks I had,
which wasn’t many but they served their purpose.
concert started and it was obviously amazing. We got a few looks from the guys
on stage, acknowledging the fact that they had found us in the audience. That
was fun; it kind of felt like a real life game of “Where’s Waldo?” I wasn’t
sure if they all saw us (but come on, we were legitimately glowing, as always,
and they knew we’d be there somewhere.) As the concert ended I felt a little
pang of sadness hit. It was a great show but I was sad knowing this was the
last one of the week and I’d have to wait the entire month of August before
seeing them again Labor Day Weekend. (No worries though, this story has a happy
ending.) Megan and I left the venue before the other chasers, so we met up with
them outside.
When it was our turn for the meet and greet line we walked up to Jerome and he said hello. I gave him my picture to sign and then I asked for a picture. I told him I was willing to wait until after the group photos (I didn’t want to make him stand before he really had to) but he said I didn’t need to. Megan and I both took our picture with him. I then moved onto Mike and I had something very important to discuss with him.
Mike: (through his laughter) Please tell that to Walt, he arranged it.
also wanted to tell him that Cry Me A River was also not released in the 90’s
but in 2002, and it wasn’t an N’sync song. I thought that might be overkill.
Good thing they can read it here now.)
up I made my way to Seggie, who the night before had NOT seen us in the
audience. I made to sure to ask if
he saw us this night.
Me: So Seggie, did you see us
Seggie (to me): Yes, I did.
Tyler (to me): of course he saw you!
Me (to Tyler): Well, he claims he
didn’t last night.
Tyler (to Seggie): * Seggie face*
Seggie (to me): I probably did see you
last night. It was a long night.
Tyler (to Seggie): * more Seggie face *
this point we were about half way down the meet and greet line when I realized
that my photo was at the very end of the table, in the capable hands of Ryan. I
saw him lift it up and ask, “Whose is this?” from way down the line I frantically
waved at him claiming “IT’S MINE!”
He then yelled down to me asking if it was for me. Yep! It was, thanks
for asking, Ryan! We were still at DR and Charlie, so Ryan would have to keep
that safe for now.
asked DR if he had put the gift we gave him to good use yet. He said no. I’m
intrigued to whether he liked it or not. I guess that’s a question for the next
meet and greet line. Charlie was the first to mention that he liked watching us
make our way from one section of the concert venue to the next.
Me: Oh yeah, we just wanted
to check out every section and get a feel for the venue.
Randy: They videoed from all 3
spots and are just going to put it all together.
Charlie: Nice, So our next DVD is
already done. (laughing) so where’s the best seats.
Me: Front and center of
(Megan was busy having
the internal debate on if she should say the seats we sat in on Monday because
she got to dance with Charlie.)
DR: If I’m stage right,
their favorite seat is on the left.
Are we that obvious?! Next up was Walt and since Mike had told me I needed to tell
him about the song Gone, it was the first thing I mentioned to him (otherwise I
totally would have forgotten)
Me: So, Mike told me to tell
you, that Gone was actually released in 2001, not in the 90’s.
Walt: Wasn’t it 2003?
Megan: No, 2001, Cry Me A River
was 2003!
Walt: Well, thanks for calling
me out on that.
Don: Walt, get your decades
sorry to Walt, if people have told him this before and I’m certainly okay with
it being in the 90’s medley. I just needed to make sure everyone had their
facts straight. So naturally while I was looking through the postcards I
mentioned earlier, I found one that needed to be with Ryan. It was of Harvard
Square. Naturally, I wrote “Hahvuhd, Hahvuhd, Hahvuhd” on the back of it and
gave it to him. I also made sure to cross our where it said “Harvard” and wrote
“Hahvuhd” instead. I think Ryan appreciates the attention to detail. Naturally,
we started talking about Boston again and Don reassured me that the show at the
Wang was going to be a great show, and I still have no doubt in my mind about
that. Ryan commented about how The Wang was a silly name and since I had called
everyone else out on their facts that night I decided I would inform him of the
Theatre’s correct name. It’s now called “The Citi Performing Arts Center at The
Wang” (but yeah, everyone still just calls it The Wang, I just happen to have a
parent who works at Citi Bank and who would be disappointed if I didn’t tell
them the new name.) I can only imagine that I said “The Citi Pahformin Aahts Centah”
because Ryan called me out on my Boston accent when I said it.
that, we moved out of the way of fellow chasers coming down the line. It would
be unfair of us to dominate the conversation with the last couple guys. We
didn’t make it too far before Ryan asked, “So, girls, what are you doing for
your last days here?” That was a
tough question he threw our way, because neither one of us had an answer. We hadn’t
really thought about it all that much.
Ryan: You should check out
this restaurant in Brigantine, it’s right over the bridge.
Me & Megan: (nodding our heads) oh, okay. (In reality, we had NO idea what bridge he
was talking about.)
Ryan: Do you have something I
can write on?
Me & Megan (Looking at each other): ummm (looking down at signed photo)
Ryan: NOT those!
he knows us well. Luckily, I remembered I had my calendar in my purse and it
has blank pages at the end for notes. He gave the name and address of a
fabulous little place. It was called Laguna Grill. After, he also suggested we
go check out Cape May. Marna was standing next to us at the point and she
agreed with him. (We did end up going to Laguna Grill the next day for lunch
before going to Cape May. I suggest you do both these things if you have the
chance!) So, after completely taking over the end of the table, which we trying
to avoid, we were told by an usher we had to go back into line for group
photos. I’m not one to cause a scene (most of the time) so we did as we were
told and headed back into the line.
and I had decided this would be a good day to try something different. We
decided that for the first time, we were going to take group pictures
separately. It was weird. Ryan seemed concerned for us, asking if “we were
going to be okay.” We both came out of the experience mostly unscathed. All
right, fine, completely unscathed. Ryan told me that he subtly held up the post
card I gave him in the picture. It really wasn’t that subtle, but that could
possibly be because when looking at my camera, after he told me, my eye went
straight for it. Megan and I discussed later how we both felt totally awkward
standing up there because when we were alone neither one of us knew where to
group pictures, we headed to the bar for drinks, except Megan and I decided
against the alcohol at this point. We saw Randy come over to the hostess and
then we saw Charlie, Julia, and Hayden (after they arrived, Randy disappeared
using some sort of stealth ninja moves. I swear I didn’t even see him leave.) A
few of the chasers went over to say hi to them and for a while, Megan and I
stayed at the table debating if we should go over there or not. We didn’t want
to bombard them but at the same time we wanted to introduce ourselves to Julia
(and see that adorable baby!) After squandering our opportunity earlier in the
week to meet Julia and Hayden, we seized the moment (fearing we wouldn’t get
another opportunity like this) and headed over to where they were standing. Naturally,
once over there, our daycare teacher instincts came flooding back and we ended
up just making faces at Hayden, completely ignoring the fact that we were out
in public. At one point we were definitely caught by Charlie, who just said,
“hi girls.” I think in unison we both replied back “hi!” I told Charlie we just
wanted to come over and ask Hayden how he liked his book. Charlie told us that
he was already up to X, all by himself. Wow! They have one smart little man on
their hands! After that, Charlie introduced us to Julia, which was our main
objective. After giving Charlie the book, and him telling us how much she liked
it, it just felt like we needed to meet her. She was super sweet! Such a nice
person and I’m so glad we got to meet her! She was so kind to us, even after we
totally bombarded her and her family while they waited for dinner. Hayden has
some pretty amazing parents, what a lucky guy!
we left the bar Megan, Tara, Marna, Jackie, Cindy, and myself went to Ben &
Jerry’s for some ice cream. It was a nice way to wind down the evening and have
some pretty hysterical conversation as well. When it was time to leave we all
were headed to the parking garage, then suddenly Tara and Marna pretty much
pinned Megan and I down and wouldn’t let us go until we promised to come back
for the PBS taping on August 17th. Ok ok ok. It did not happen that way, but they were pretty
convincing and after a little reorganizing of our work schedules, Megan and I
WILL be there on August 17th. This means we will forgo one of the
concerts we were planning for November, but it’ll be worth it.
next time, I bid you adieu.
lol... We "pinned you down," huh? I don't exactly remember that part! So glad we gently convinced you... :) ~Marna
ReplyDeletehaha Marna,
ReplyDeleteThats how I remember it all going down! no, you were very gentle. I barely needed to ice my shoulder from the twisting :)